Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Here it is folks.. the OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT -- we have sucessfully made remote connections to *our* new server.

Please stay tuned for the announcement of our official startup date and time--

That being said, let me forward on to you the following information.

We are going to need LOTS of bug reporting help...

ANYone caring to donate to help us pay for bandwidth--- let me just tell you up front that we will not hide any donation money like the other guys... FYI at the time I was... dismissed... I know they had somewhere on the order of.... over $10,000 I think it was... but any and all financial disclosures will be available -initially- to any individual who is an active donator. Donation information will be made available on a need-to-know basis only-- but IT WILL be made available and.. available upon request.

The initial server will be a limited user cap server due to limitations of resources and bandwidth.

We will be distributing a *new* Launch Client with the proper *hardcoded* IP/Host addresses for connection.

The server will be going down on a nightly basis during the first few weeks of operation until we can stabilize operations.

Anyone who wants to start playing before the Launch Client is distributed may do so using explicit instructions on how to modify the existing Launch Client to log in.

By the way... the launcher HATES Dungeons & Dragons online.. Turbine has a data booster that basically shuts down authentication ports so if you play DDO there will be some adjustments that have to be made.

UNFORTUNATELY-- it turns out that we have only the alternate server player database but-- We can / and will make certain exceptions for those that want to play-- as far as experience points and other aide for increased level ranking **OVER THE TERM OF THE INITIAL TEST PHASE**

Until we determine how extensive *our* user base will be the player cap at any given time will be limited.

***The news is that we have been graciously donated a higher end computer to run our server on and this box, once received will be located in a high bandwidth support area and at that point will be opened to as many people as that physical box can accomodate -- or until we can bring a second server support unit on-line to double that capacity.

We want to RECOGNIZE and SHOW APPRECIATION TO ALL who have supported us during this transition. We will do so anonymously because of the pricks that are still out there but, WE THANK YOU!

On a personal note:
I will repeat what I have said before here... if you do not want to play on our server, DO NOT COME! YOU ARE NOT WELCOMED!

This server will be run fairly. Any rule that is made will be made by a mature competant staff in conjunction WITH the player base and will be applied equally to all.


Anyone who doesn't like this can suck my ektoplasmic vienerschnitzel!

Oh.. and just out of a matter of personal courtesy to all of those who honestly believe that I have lied during any or all of this... I shamefully admit that I did lie... I did tell 1 small simple mistruth. I said this one thing in an effort to bolster the self esteem of another player who was belittled and bullied by those individuals who should have NEVER been allowed to play in OUR community in the first place!

And for those of you who have stood side by side with me against this 'evil,' I owe my humblist of gratitude. You have given me the courage to continue in this endeavor knowing that my 'aim,' has never been truer.