Saturday, March 27, 2010

Specific "Closings" relating to Earth & Beyond Classic.

I will mirror here what is posted on Marco's blog at The viable "open source" source code that we were given at the onset of this ordeal is now posted as a true open source download at the following website link.

This is the current, cleaned up, version that works. As of this release, and until further notice, Classic will not be releasing any additional versions for public download. We have agreed to the possibility of releasing operational binaries at a later date. As responsible developers we have decided that closure of the code will lead to the elimination of possible acts which would jeopardize our existing project. What this does for the individual wishing to set up their own server is this... It will give them a 100% operational platform with no additional requirements to execute a server. The reason for the source code closure is this. We are now installing "trade secrets" and rewriting code to streamline this system. Since we are "Paying" for portions of this, our development team is now under non-disclosure agreement. The Net-7 code- as it exists- is open source, GPL or Creative Commons License. This is the code that was promised to you by the other team which WE now deliver.

The code that we now in possession of and work with is not copyrighted to any other individuals except the entity which is now in possession thereof. This server is being 'ported' to a different and consistent language for streamlined performance.

The second "closing," is this blog to comment. Those of  you who have used this form to spit and rant and point fingers have done so at everyone except those who really are to blame -- yourselves! So this blog is now closed to comment. To those of you who have been supportive  and are now playing and helping to support our community, we thank you. We ask that that you join our Pr-Operational Moderated forums at There is where you will find the initial gathering of those that will be playing side by side with you on the "Dawn" server.

Thank you all again,

Classic Games

Preview of "Something Special"

Ok guys there is going to be a preview of the 1st of the "Somethings Special" goign up on the website in just a few minutes.. in the General topic area...
look for the graphics -

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Launcher Now Available

There are 2 launchers now available on the temp forums... 1 launcher for WinRAR which is only about 1mb and one Windows ZIP for people who don’t have WinRAR.

This is not anything special... the Special is coming next...

What this is - is a stripped down cleaned up version of the existing launcher. We will be adding people manually at first until we can get the automated stuff working then it will be a free-for-all. The thought is to have the few that want to be involved with *SERIOUS* testing on the platform first then when we get the new computer set up and running.. and the new ISP connection with the static IPs and the website applications and all interacting with the database THEN we will open it up for EVERYONE!

Thanks again for everyone’s' patience. We are getting this thing together as quick as we can.

As always,

P.S. DEVtools are working also so we are taking applications for serious and mature content editors and developers. We will have those apps on the website soon.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Good evening everyone,

I  hope tonight finds each and every one of you doing well.

I would like to redirect everyone to the following website as a temporary forum site for the new emulator.

This site is graciously donated by Mneme and he will be moderating it also. There will be limited posts in this blog now on, and even less reading of this blog. You people (and YOU know who I mean) have turned this blog  into a cesspool for your disgusting rants and in the process have pointed the finger everywhere except where it belongs -- at yourselves.

THE BS STOPS HERE -- If you intened to bring trouble to our temporary forums or even our permanant forums let me notify you now... there will be zero tolerance for your drama. I have green-lighted the censorship and banning of anyone who brings detriment to our new group. Our members have overwhealmingly shown their desire to put their memories of you behind them. I have promised them a peacefull community.

This one rule WILL be enforced.

If you are having a problem-- you can count on me to help you out.
If you ARE the problem -- you can count on me to help you O-U-T!

(a special thanks to Mike for letting me borrow that one - it's timeless and certainly applies here)

See you all on the forums,

P.S. Asmir -- will you please shoot me an email... thanks pal.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Here it is folks.. the OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT -- we have sucessfully made remote connections to *our* new server.

Please stay tuned for the announcement of our official startup date and time--

That being said, let me forward on to you the following information.

We are going to need LOTS of bug reporting help...

ANYone caring to donate to help us pay for bandwidth--- let me just tell you up front that we will not hide any donation money like the other guys... FYI at the time I was... dismissed... I know they had somewhere on the order of.... over $10,000 I think it was... but any and all financial disclosures will be available -initially- to any individual who is an active donator. Donation information will be made available on a need-to-know basis only-- but IT WILL be made available and.. available upon request.

The initial server will be a limited user cap server due to limitations of resources and bandwidth.

We will be distributing a *new* Launch Client with the proper *hardcoded* IP/Host addresses for connection.

The server will be going down on a nightly basis during the first few weeks of operation until we can stabilize operations.

Anyone who wants to start playing before the Launch Client is distributed may do so using explicit instructions on how to modify the existing Launch Client to log in.

By the way... the launcher HATES Dungeons & Dragons online.. Turbine has a data booster that basically shuts down authentication ports so if you play DDO there will be some adjustments that have to be made.

UNFORTUNATELY-- it turns out that we have only the alternate server player database but-- We can / and will make certain exceptions for those that want to play-- as far as experience points and other aide for increased level ranking **OVER THE TERM OF THE INITIAL TEST PHASE**

Until we determine how extensive *our* user base will be the player cap at any given time will be limited.

***The news is that we have been graciously donated a higher end computer to run our server on and this box, once received will be located in a high bandwidth support area and at that point will be opened to as many people as that physical box can accomodate -- or until we can bring a second server support unit on-line to double that capacity.

We want to RECOGNIZE and SHOW APPRECIATION TO ALL who have supported us during this transition. We will do so anonymously because of the pricks that are still out there but, WE THANK YOU!

On a personal note:
I will repeat what I have said before here... if you do not want to play on our server, DO NOT COME! YOU ARE NOT WELCOMED!

This server will be run fairly. Any rule that is made will be made by a mature competant staff in conjunction WITH the player base and will be applied equally to all.


Anyone who doesn't like this can suck my ektoplasmic vienerschnitzel!

Oh.. and just out of a matter of personal courtesy to all of those who honestly believe that I have lied during any or all of this... I shamefully admit that I did lie... I did tell 1 small simple mistruth. I said this one thing in an effort to bolster the self esteem of another player who was belittled and bullied by those individuals who should have NEVER been allowed to play in OUR community in the first place!

And for those of you who have stood side by side with me against this 'evil,' I owe my humblist of gratitude. You have given me the courage to continue in this endeavor knowing that my 'aim,' has never been truer.